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Music Mania Camp

Kodi munayamba mwaganizapo kuti Zakudyazi, mipira yolimbitsa thupi, ngalande zamvula, ndi ma parachuti amatha kupanga nyimbo? Chabwino, angathe! Zinthu wamba izi zitha kukhala zida zoimbira pamsasa wa Music Mania. Anthu ochita masewera olimbitsa thupi ayenera kuyembekezera kukhala achangu pamene tikuphatikiza kulimbitsa thupi kwa cardio ndi nyimbo zosangalatsa zochokera padziko lonse lapansi. Nyimbo zimayatsa mbali zonse za chitukuko cha ana ndi luso, kuphatikizapo luntha, chikhalidwe cha anthu, magalimoto, chinenero, ndi kuwerenga kwathunthu. Msasawu umayendetsedwa ndi Dara, mwini wake wa Music Bird Studios. Konzekerani Kugwedeza, Rattle, ndikugudubuza njira yanu kupita ku nthawi yabwino!

Msasa uwu ukulimbikitsidwa kwa zaka 4-8.

Onetsetsani kuti mwalembetsa ku e-newsletter yathu ya sabata iliyonse kuti mukhale ndi zosintha zathu zonse zamsasa.

June 24 - 28, 2024 

9 AM-1 PM

Ages 5-8


*Please note: Member discount will automatically apply at check out. You must have an active membership at the time of camp, be registered with the website and signed in at the time of registration to receive the discount.




Hello parents! I am thrilled to be teaching your children this week at summer camp! With years of experience in art education, I'm looking forward to creating and learning alongside our next generation of artists. 

2023 Camp Photos!

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