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Tsiku la Madzi

Juni 24 ndi 25, 2022  9:00AM - 12:00PM

Lowani nafe pa zosangalatsa zosokoneza zomwe mungaganizire!

Tsiku Lamatope limalimbikitsa mabanja ndi ana kuti agwirizane ndi dziko lapansi, kuphunzira zambiri za nthaka yathu, ndikupeza chisangalalo chosokoneza chomwe chimabwera ndi kusewera m'matope.

Zambiri zikubwera posachedwa. Pitani pansi kuti mulembetse ku kalata yathu ya sabata iliyonse kuti musaphonye zochitika kapena zosintha za Museum.

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CMoW Members: $5

General Admission: $15

Mud Day Partners

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Mud Day encourages families and children to connect with the earth, learn more about our soil, and discover the messy joy that comes with playing in the mud and we're excited to welcome these area partners to join us!

Kiddos can investigate and explore different types of soils from our area with New Hanover County Soil and Water Conservation whose mission is to protect and enhance the soil and water of New Hanover County. 

New Hanover County Garbage to Gardens is a program designed to divert school-waste streams from the cafeteria for better uses than landfilling, like composting and recycling. Join Garbage to Gardens to learn more about composting and explore the important role worms play in helping to build healthy soil.

Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's mission is to provide quality water and wastewater services to our community. Join CFPUA to create a water filter from recyclable materials.


Mud Day is proudly sponsored by

Tsiku Lamatope 2021

Zikomo mwapadera kwa Abiti Mary Ellen

Lembetsani kumakalata athu kuti muwonetsetse kuti simukuphonya zochitika zilizonse zomwe zikubwera kapena zosintha za Museum.

CMoW 2021 Long Logo Transparent PNG.png

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Lamlungu 1 PM - 5 PM

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CMoW ndi 501 (c) (3) yopanda phindu  bungwe.

© 2021 ndi The Children's Museum of Wilmington 

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