Chikondwerero cha Sayansi cha NC
Lowani nafe ku chikondwerero chathu chapachaka cha sayansi!
Cholinga chathu ndikuthandizira kufalitsa maphunziro a sayansi kudzera muzochitika zosangalatsa, zamaphunziro komanso zosangalatsa, zasayansi.
Zotsatira zamaphunziro, zachikhalidwe komanso zachuma za sayansi zimakhudza anthu onse aku North Carolin ndipo tikufuna kuwonetsetsa kuti izi zikupitilira mibadwo yathu yamtsogolo.
Zambiri zikubwera posachedwa.
Epulo 16, 2022 | 9:00AM - 12:00PM
CMoW Members: $5
General Admission: $15
Kelvin Search
Build a Marble Run
Virtual Reality
This Is What a Scientist Looks Like
Code Bracelets
Meet a Geologist
And More!
Don't miss Spot the robot, joining us from UNC Chapel Hill Computer Science!
Interested in Sponsoring Science Fest?
Are you interested in sponsoring this event? For more information about the event or how to get involved with the NC Science Festival contact Science Educator, Anna Harris at or 910-254-3534 ex.100